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The following constitution was adopted at the Meeting held in the Teachers’ Centre, Summerhill, Athlone, on the 16th April, 1973. An amendment made was at the A.G.M. held on 17th February 2011. An additional amendment was made at the AGM on May 15th 2019. Further amendments were agreed at the A.G.M. on September 22nd 2020 to Section 1 (Title and Definition)  and Sections 5(b), 5(c), 5(d) & 5(f). 

  1. TITLE: Athlone Teachers’ Centre changed to Athlone Education Centre 8th April 1997 as per amendment A.G.M. 11th March 1997. On September 22nd 2020, the title Athlone Education Support Centre was adopted. 

Definition of the Education Support Centre as per Education Act 1998

Education Act 1998 – Section 37:

(i)        In this section "Education Support Centre" means a place in which services are provided for schools, teachers, parents, boards and other relevant persons which support them in carrying out their functions in respect of the provision of education which is recognised for that purpose by the Minister for Education & Skills (Hereafter referred to as the Minister) in accordance with subsection (2).

(ii)        The Minister may recognise a place as an Education Support Centre and where the Minister so recognises a place he or she shall cause the name and address of that centre to be entered in a register maintained by the Minister and available for inspection by members of the public during normal working hours.

(iii)       An Education Support Centre shall have a Management Committee, to manage the business and staff of that centre.

(iv)       A committee established in accordance with subsection (3) shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and with power to sue and may be sued in its corporate name and no action shall lie against a member of a board in respect of anything done by that member in good faith and in pursuance of their functions as such members.

(v)       The Minister may withdraw recognition from an Education Support Centre.

(vi)      The Minister may, from time to time, make regulations relating to all or any of the     following matters:

  • Procedures for the appointment of Management Committees;

  • The appointment and remuneration of staff;

  • The making of grants to Education Support Centres;

  • The provision of information to the Minister on any matter relating to the  operation of Education Support Centres

  • Access to an Education Support Centre and to the financial and other records of that Education Support Centre by persons appointed by the Minister, and

  • Such other matters relating to the operation of such Centres as the Minister considers appropriate.



  1. To provide a meeting place for the dissemination of knowledge and information to all teachers, especially by the organisation of seminars, conferences, lectures, debates and symposia and by all other means subject to the approval of the Committee.

  2. To promote and encourage research and experimental projects in the field of education.

  3. To act as a resource Centre which would enable teachers to prepare and construct equipment and materials for use in their own schools and in addition to facilitate the display of teachers’ and pupils work and materials and to provide for a display of textbooks, materials and Equipment.

  4. To act as a means of and to promote in-service training.

  5. Athlone Education Support Centre is a not-for-profit organisation. In the event of any surplus being accrued through a financial year, these sums will be reinvested for the further and future development of the Centre. 


The Centre shall be constituted as follows:

  1. Members

  2. Annual General Meeting

  3. Committee



  1. The Management Committee will (where possible) comprise of:

  • A primary teacher

  • A post primary teacher

  • A teacher from a 3rd level college

  • A parents’ representative

  • A recently retired member of the teaching profession

  • A minimum of 5 other members of the Education Community

Additional members may be co-opted to the Management Committee if their expertise is deemed to be of value to that Management Committee

  1. Membership shall be open to all teachers serving in recognised schools and also to those who have successfully completed a recognised course of training.

  2. Attendance at the Centre shall constitute membership.

  3. A register of members shall be retained in the Centre 



  1. General policy shall be defined by the Annual General Meeting. 

  2. Notice of A.G.M. shall be sent to members at least 10 working days before the date of the A.G.M. 

  3. Motions for the AGM and proposed alterations to the Constitution shall be invited at least 7 working days before the date of the AGM.

  4. The A.G.M. shall be held when possible no later than May 31st each year.

  5. Any member wishing to propose a motion or alteration to the Constitution shall send same in writing to the Secretary, one month before the date of the AGM. Included with each motion/proposed alterations to the Constitution, shall be the name of the proposer and the seconder. 

  6. The motions/proposed alterations to the Constitution submitted to the Secretary shall be sent to members before the date of the AGM. 

  7. Motions, amendments or agenda put to a vote at the A.G.M. shall be decided on by a show of voting cards unless 5 (five) members rising in their places, and showing voting cards, demand a secret vote. A secret ballot shall then be taken. A simple majority shall suffice except in alterations to the Constitution where a 2/3rd majority of those present and voting shall be required.